English Worksheets Land is the creation of two dozen teachers. When the Common Core Standards began being implemented in schools, we felt a little lost. The curriculum got flipped upside down in some of our States. In others, teaching became more like acting. We basically read from a script all day. Looking for resources that were aligned to the Common Core for Language Arts became impossible. That's when we knew we had to do something to help teachers every where.
Every month we create new worksheets for you to enjoy. All of our work is directly created in response to the English Language Arts Common Core Standards. Each section, grade level, and topic is aligned to the Core Standards. If you are not familiar with Common Core Standards for Language Arts, please check our explanation here.
A quick mention on the copyright policy of our work: Our work can be printed and used for digital education by all of our active members of English Worksheets Land. Materials cannot be printed or used digitally by nonmembers or shared with nonmembers by active members. When a membership expires or is inactive, printing and digital rights cease. Feel free to hyper-link to our materials instead of storing it else where.
Our site started out by dedicating all of our time to the elementary and middle school level grades (Kindergarten to Grade 8). As we progressed, we will branched out to the high school level grades. Expect big things over the next few years from us...