Feminine to Masculine Pronouns - What is the male equivalent of what you are given? You are provided with a word bank.
Working Pronouns - A very royal group of choices here. We flip the roles of the previous worksheet.
Animal Gender - You are given the name of an animal and then asked to state the word in both masculine and feminine form.
Male to Female Animals - We ask you for both genders of these animals. It is a new list of creatures you may not have thought of in a while.
Noun Word Bank - You have a ton to choose from. First, complete the missing noun for the sentence using the word bank. Next write the opposite type word in the box next to the sentence.
Masculine to Feminine Pronouns - Look at the masculine gender nouns. Now, rewrite them in their feminine form.
Female to Male Pronouns - Some interesting choices are made here. You may be stumped by one or two of these.
Female to Male Pronouns 2 - Round 2 is here for you to work on. We practice the same skill as the previous worksheet.
Male to Female Pronouns - I have no idea that number one was a thing. But the Oxford Dictionary shares a different opinion than I.
Animal Gender Nouns - Place a check in the appropriate box that represents the noun. See if you can fill in all the other boxes for extra credit.
Common Nouns - Which nouns are common and which are not? This is another chance to give more advanced students an extra credit opportunity.
In General - There are a lot of choices here that will make you think twice. We look at terms that much more general and do not lean one way or another.
Royalty and Gender - Choose from witch, queen, grandmother, daughter, husband, actress, wizard, king, son, prince, wife, actor, grandfather, and princess.
Polar Opposite - First, complete the missing noun for the sentence using the word bank. Then write the opposite word in the box.
Opposite Word Bank - We ask you to use a term in a sentence and then label your usage. Similar to the last worksheet, but a better mix of animals.