Primary Characteristics - Think of an thriller story that you have read or seen (in a movie or on TV). Describe how you know the story fit this genre.
Complete It - Use the surrounding context to best complete each of these sentences.
Horror - This is a similar genre, but differs in several ways. We will explore the nature of both.
The Appeal - Why do people enjoy this form of story telling and how do the features of it contribute to that enjoyment?
Cliffhanger - Sometimes you can see these coming through the narrative, but they are best when you can't.
The Ticking Clock - What is at stake if the protagonist doesn't accomplish their story goal in time?
The Setting - Does the story unfold across multiple settings? Or across multiple locations within the main setting? Explain.
Points of View - Identify the POV characters in the novel. Explain why you think the author chose to use each of these points of view, and how each one contributes to the overall effect of the story.
Story Map - An organizer particular set up for this genre.
You Chose - Write a short paper explaining how the book displays the elements.
Identification - Find all the six elements in this story.
Strong Emotions - Answer each question by referencing specific examples of the author's style, technique, plot elements, etc.
The Antagonist - How does the antagonist block the protagonist from achieving their story goal?
Elements - We will discuss all the different features.
How it Appears - Use an example to clarify the use of all the features of genre.