In My Town - Are there any narratives that are specific to the area where you live: your town, county, state, region, country, etc.? If you aren't already aware of one, conduct some research to identify one that is relatively local to you.
Box In - This worksheet will help you better learn nature of this genre.
Urban or Not? - Compare and contrast these very closely related genres.
Conspiracy Theory - Make two statements about aliens/UFOs using both forms we have already learned.
To Kill a Mockingbird - Explore this novel to see where you can infer this exists.
Mythbusters - In the Discovery Channel series Mythbusters, the hosts try to debunk popular urban legends by recreating the circumstances of the stories and applying science to determine how much fact they really contain. Often, they are able to conclusively disprove them; but sometimes they are not!
Well Known - Conduct research to try to either prove or disprove the legend. Do you believe it? Explain your answer and cite your sources.
The Bermuda Triangle - The Bermuda Triangle is a small area of the ocean between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where sailors and pilots have
Is It There - You will analyze current works.
Small Group Work - This will give you time to work with other to compose your own story.
Why It's Important - Explore the purpose of these types of works.
Summarize - Sum up a story that you have heard before.
Name It - Explain a cultural related well known narrative.
Chupacabra, Mothman, or Yeti - Choose one these themes and then write a persuasive paragraph about whether or not the this is real.
Break It Down - You will take in a story and see if it fits in this category.