Using References To Check Spelling Worksheets
Related ELA Standard: L.3.2.G
This is such a unique topic, it isn't even funny. When preparing to write background for a topic I often do a couple of searches to see what others have uncovered. To be honest it seems like no one prepares to check their spelling with anything, but a computer these days. Prior to the invention of the word processor and spell check people actually used dictionaries and thesauruses to check their own spelling. These worksheets will help students learn the process of checking their spelling manually.
References For Spelling Worksheets:
More Dictionaries – We
give you closely related words. See if the dictionary can prove it
to you.
Math Words – Help your
math teacher create a quality crossword puzzle answer key.
Spell Checking
– Use a dictionary to determine the correct spelling and write the
word on the line.
Football Season
– Circle the misspelled words in each sentence. Then write the word's
correct spelling on the lines. Use a dictionary to help you.
Harold –
Read the paragraph. There are ten misspelled words in the paragraph.
Circle them.
All through the
Dictionary – The words below are not spelled correctly. Use
a dictionary to find the correct spelling. As you look up each word,
fill out the chart below.
Fill the
End Words – Read the sentences. Use a dictionary to fill in
the ends of the words.
Follow Along
– Follow the given example to complete this sheet.
Using References to Check Spellings
Even a professional writer sometimes has to struggle with a few spellings. This is mainly because of the confusing placement of letters and tricky pronunciation. Many times you don't have any expert in English around who can help you out with spellings. You have to go through certain references to see if you have spelt a word correctly. There are multiple references available online and offline which you can use to clear out any ambiguities regarding spellings. The most helpful references for checking spellings are mentioned below.
Spelling Rules
English grammar books and websites are full of spelling rules. If you have access to the internet, open credible English grammar websites and go through the list of spelling rules provided there. The list may be long, but every point is very easy to comprehend. If you are in school or college, you can always refer to the resource packs offered by teachers and grammar books in the library to read spelling rules. In a nutshell, spelling rules are not so hard to find.
Refer to a dictionary if you find a small part of any word confusing. Dictionaries come in the form of apps as well as tangible books. All you have to do is enter the spellings which are closest to the correct one. The dictionary will come up with suggestions of all the possible words that match your preferred one. However, this may take a little longer when using a physical dictionary because flipping through pages is time-consuming.
Grammar Software
Technological advancements have made learning processes easier. The Internet is full of grammar checking software which are used to detect errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure and other grammatical aspects. You add text on the website and the software will automatically highlight all the mistakes. They also offer ways to rectify the errors. For example, if you spell the word grammar wrong, the software will highlight it and come up with the right spelling.