In the Kitchen - The present continuous tense of a verb tells you that an action is in the process of happening now - the action is ongoing.
Get Moving Now! - Fill in the missing part of speech for of each verb for the subject given. For extra credit, roll these into full on sentences. There is more than enough space for you to work with.
At the Park - Fill in the blanks with the correct present continuous form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
I Am Always Doing Art! - Rewrite each subject and verb pair so that the verb is in the present continuous tense.
Travel through Time with Verb Tenses! - You will be given a sentence and then asked to completely shuffle things around into your own way of moving them around.
Get Creative - Create an original sentence with each verb. Use the present continuous tense.
Completing Sentences - Complete each sentence working off of what has been provided for you. It will require to make adjustments as you channel on.
How Does That Go? - Read each sentence. Is the sentence written in the present tense (P), or in the present continuous (PC) tense? Write the correct answer on the line.
Parts of Sentences - Use the sentence parts to write two sentences; one in the present tense, and one in the present continuous tense. Feel free to add words if necessary for the sentence to make sense.
What's Happening Right Now? - Use the prompts below to write true sentences in the present continuous tense. Add the word "not" where appropriate.
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words - Write a sentence in the present continuous tense, using the picture for inspiration.
Rewrites-Me-Writes - Rewrite each sentence that you are provide to make the event, action, or state to be happening now or anytime soon.
Cartoonist for a Day - Look at the cartoons. Complete each sentence using the present continuous tense.
On the Farm - Complete each sentence. This is a nice way to review this topic because you are completely free to work your own magic with this worksheet.
Talk Like a Pirate - We will work with the subject "I." You will take a bunch of terms related to Pirates and change when they take place. Really good for the high seas.