In The News – Break down the five Ws and one H of a local newspaper story.
To the Moon! – A little cause and effect to get your afternoon started off right.
Caring For Your Teeth – Time to sequence what you read into the proper order.
The Ride of Paul Revere – Piece these together for Paul's famous ride.
The Assassination of President Lincoln – What was Booth's motivation for killing one of the most influential leaders in history?
Human Interest Stories – Search a newspaper or magazine for a human interest story. Then answer the questions.
TIME PERIODS IN HISTORY: The Great Depression – Explain how the stock market crash caused The Great Depression.
Uncle Tom's Cabin – Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe write Uncle Tom's Cabin?
The King and the Page – Pretend a friend has asked you whether or not Frederick, King of Prussia was a good man. Answer the question, using what you just read as evidence for your answer.
In the Kitchen – Pretend you are helping a friend in the kitchen. You have already measured out your ingredients.
Getting Ideas Stuck Into Your Head! – Read the text twice, to make sure you understand it. Now set the text aside.
How Microscopes Work – Explain to your parent or guardian what the project is, what you need in order to do it, and what you are hope to accomplish.
Get the Scoop! – A well-written news story answers six questions: Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why? and How? Search a newspaper or magazine for stories in each of the categories below.
Paper Airplane – Use numbers to put the events in the correct order. Then write a short essay explaining how to fold a paper airplane.
The Boston Tea Party – Read each sentence. Decide whether the underlined text is a cause or an effect.