Brown V. Board of Education – The Civil Right Movement at it's tipping point.
How the Myths Arose – Here are some unfamiliar words to tackle.
Robert E. Lee – You might want to check a dictionary handy.
Trade Unions – Another change thrown at you for a question format.
Organ Systems Working Together – We get a little scientific on you here.
Cupid and Psyche – A little true and false always tells you that the questions are tough.
The Declaration of Independence – The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
Structure of Living Things – Animal cells and plant cells differ from each other in many different significant ways.
The Days of the Week – What do you think "homage" means?
The Wings of the Bee – Based on the reading, circle what you think each word means.
Ants, Their Guests and Their Lodgers – A scavenger is an animal that feed on __________.
Characteristics of Invertebrates – The largest group of invertebrates are called arthropods.
Clara Barton – On a separate sheet of paper, write a definition in your own words for each underlined word, using the context for clues.
Pre-Civil War: The South – Write a definition for each word in your own words, using context clues.
Pre-Civil War: The North – Write a definition in the box for each word. Use context clues to help you.