How To Find The Meaning of Words That Are Unfamiliar
Here are a few ways that will help you in finding the meaning of words that are unfamiliar.
Look Into Dictionary
The best way to find out the meaning of the word that is unfamiliar to you is by looking in a dictionary for its meaning. The dictionary is a book that contains the meaning and explanations of all the words that exist in the English language. From A to Z, you will find the meaning of all the words. If you ever come across a difficult word, just refer to the dictionary. You can get yourself a pocket-sized dictionary because that is easier to carry. Every time you are reading a new book and an unfamiliar word pops up, you can quickly use the dictionary to solve your confusion. You can also download the dictionary app on your phone or Ipad. This way you can always look for new words in your free time.
Use Context Clues
There are times when the dictionary will not be able to help you in finding out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Let's say you are giving an exam and the use of the dictionary is not allowed. In times like these, you can heavily rely on the context clues. Context clues can also be of great help when sorting out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. You can reread the sentence again and again in order to truly understand what the author is trying to say. You can look for any synonyms or antonyms that are mentioned near the word. Make as much use of the context clues as you can to find out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
Use Affixes
Prefixes and suffixes are the two types of affixes. They have predefined meanings and they can help in breaking the word and guessing the meaning of it. Prefixes are used before the root word and suffixes are used after the root word.
How to Verify the Meaning of Words
There are many times when you come across a word that is unfamiliar. Especially, when you are reading a book on a specific or complex topic, it contains many terms that might stir up confusion in your head. These terms are related to the topic and have specific meanings. whenever you come across an unfamiliar word you can always use context clues to figure out the meaning. However, if the context clues are not helpful and you want the meaning to be verified, you can use the help of the following sources.
Dictionaries are extremely helpful when it comes to words. Dictionaries contain the meanings of all the words that are a part of the English language. A dictionary is a simple book that contains all the words in alphabetical order. Alongside every word, there is a description and meaning of that word. Some dictionaries also have examples of using the word in the sentence. This further clarifies the meaning of the word to you. If you are confused regarding the meaning of a certain word, you can always use a dictionary to verify it. If you are someone who reads a lot, then you can keep a pocket-sized dictionary with you at all times.
When you come across a difficult or complex word in a textbook, you can go back at the end of the book to refer to the glossary. The glossary is the part of the book that contains meanings of all the complex words from the book. It is a great way to verify the meaning of any word that confuses you.
If you are stuck on a specific word from a field of study, you can use an encyclopedia to verify the meaning of that word.