Are Students Being Trained In High School for Today's Workforce? - Every student will use a computer more than a pencil in any job that is worth having.
Should We Trust Online Reviews? - You should really try to read into the motivation of the review. That's what I find.
Is Obesity a Disease? - Use your favorite search engine to try to answer this question. Those that are affected by it, usually see it differently.
Should Every American Be Entitled to Health Care? - This is a question that every culture answers slightly differently.
Assessing Credibility - This is somewhat of a checklist / working worksheet. Answer the questions on the lines below to evaluate each of your sources.
Choosing Credible Sources - The answer here is tough. I would go Ford for the first part and maybe Edison for the mid-portion.
Should People Drink Raw Milk? - Is the question asking us to heat it? You will take a position and then do research to support it. You can say some types of milk are better than others.
The History of Publishing - Research what the first "books" were like and how they were produced.
Credible Sources: Quoting and Paraphrasing - What evidence does the author offer that support your thesis?
Assessing the Credibility of Sources - Whether you use first or secondhand sources, or a combination of the two, your sources must be credible.
Is a College Education Still Worth the Investment? - I believe it is and will be for many years to come, but we ask your opinion and where ever you wish to run with it.
Are Your Sources Credible? - These are the questions you should be asking yourself. Whether you use first or secondhand sources, or a combination of the two, your sources must be credible. Answer each question below on the lines to evaluate your sources.
Embedding Quotations - Pull a brief quotation from each passage and compose a sentence that includes the quotation you chose, gives its context, and indicates some point you are trying to make.
Hidden Quotations - Use the quotes below from the time of the American Revolution to practice embedding quotations in your writing.
Does Illegal Immigration Hurt America? - It's so funny that a country conceived and born by immigrants has this to ponder today!
Electronic Voting Machines - Do electronic voting machines improve the voting process? Six words "Kids with time on their hands.".
Before You Use a Source... - Another summation of what we saw in early works here. Who is the author? Is he or she respected in their field? Do they cite sources so you can verify that what they have written is correct?