Paragraphs with Purpose – This sheet can be used with any extended reading selection you might have.
Analyzing Paragraphs for Persuasion – You can even use simple magazine article here and then transition to text.
Is Technology Distracting Our Kids? – Really? Do you think we shouldn't look at their heads buried in their devices all day.
Puppy Mill Pups – Not my favorite of topics. I love my puppies!
Is Cheerleading a Sport? – Of course it is. Have you ever seen a competition?
The Attitude of the Public Towards the Blind – Does this paragraph convince you that the author is credible?
The Study of Expression – How does Darwin structure the paragraph with regards to acknowledging and refuting the conflicting viewpoint?
Democracy and Size – How does Darwin structure the paragraph with regards to acknowledging and refuting the conflicting viewpoint?
How to Teach Botany – Choose one paragraph from the passage and analyze its structure, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining the article's key concept.
Aladdin – Analyze the structure of the paragraph and discuss how each sentence it develops, supports or refines the central idea.
Beware of Astroturf – See if this title is fitting?
Oliver Sacks – What's the central theme going on here?
Oneiromancy – The Interpretation of Dreams in Order to Tell the Future.
Supporting and Refining Key Concepts – Break apart a paragraph from any work you have handy.
The Nervous Child – From the treasured classic.