Archetypal Characters - We ask you to call on your knowledge of well known works. Can you identify an example of each in modern fiction?
The Hero's Journey - When does a hero fail? Think of a contemporary novel which employs the archetype of the hero’s journey. Make a note of what happens in each part below.
Use of Mythology - A look at all the major gods of historical culture. Many works of modern fiction draw on characters from mythology
Universal Symbols - Where is this all coming from? Write a short essay that analyzes how the contemporary work is both representative of the archetype and how the material is rendered new.
Now and Then - Think back to latest works that you have read. How is the modern material faithful to the source material? How is it rendered new?
Cinderella and Other Tales - Many people know the tale of Cinderella. The basic principles of the story have been told many different times through other works of literature. You never really thought this tale was that deep, did you?
The Bible as Source Material - Many works of modern fiction draw on characters from the Bible.
The Many Faces of Cinderella - The story of Cinderella has been told many times across many cultures.
The Hero's Journey in Current Fiction - Think of a contemporary novel which employs the archetype of the hero's journey.
The Ugly Duckling - Think about the story as you remember it. Can you think of a modern story that retells the The Ugly Duckling story in some way?
Giving Old Stories a Today's Twist - Does the modern novel draw on themes, patterns of events or character types?
Making an Old Theme New - Many contemporary novels draw on traditional stories, mythology or the Bible for their themes.
Sleeping Beauty - The story of Sleeping Beauty has been told many times across many cultures.
Analyzing Fresh Works of Fiction - How is the modern material faithful to the source material? How is it rendered new?
The Hero's Journey in Newfangled Fiction - Think of a modern novel which employs the archetype of the hero's journey. Make a note of what happens in each part.
Themes: Old and New - Many novels draw on traditional stories, mythology or the Bible for their themes. Think about each of the themes we present you with. Briefly describe how the contemporary story makes the theme feel fresh.