Using the Dictionary – A dictionary tells you more than what a word means; it also tells you how to pronounce it.
Looking Up Words – Use a dictionary to look up the pronunciation of each word.
Lasso – Match each word to its correct pronunciation.
Getting After It – A dictionary doesn't just tell you what a word means. It also tells you how to pronounce it. Read the dictionary entries below.
What's the Book? – Look up the words below in a dictionary. Fill out the chart for each word.
Confronting Unfamiliar Words – A flow chart to help find the meaning and purpose of vocabulary words.
Pronouncing Unfamiliar Words – Fill out the chart for each word. Say the word quietly to yourself, using the pronunciation guide in the dictionary to help you.
Using the Dictionary – A dictionary helps you learn both the meaning and how to say new words properly.
Dictionary Skills – As you read, keep track of any unfamiliar words. Use a dictionary to clarify their meaning and how they are vocalized.
Commonly Mispronounced Words – A dictionary will tell you how to pronounce words with which you are unfamiliar.
Quiz It – Study the words. Then answer the questions.
Stressed and Unstressed Syllables – Look up each word in a dictionary. Underline the syllable that is stressed.
Proper Saying – Circle the correct pronunciation for each word.
Super Practice – Read each word softly to yourself. Then read the sentence. If you are unsure how to pronounce the word, use a dictionary to help you.
The Great Dice Game – Cut the cards. Shuffle the cards and place them in a pile upside-down so that you can't see the words.