Create One - Students will practice rewriting sentences to add an additional element of intrigue to it.
Point it Out - Underline when you see this technique being used in this series of sentences.
They're Famous - Match each famous individual to the correct use of this technique.
Holes In the Story - Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.
Comic Books - Can you name the superhero(s) based on each antonomasia?
Create One - Read the description of each person. Can you think of an appropriate name change for them?
Frankenstein - We examine how Mary Shelley used this in her classic work.
Antonomasia vs. Archetypal - Compare and contrast the closely related concepts.
The Concept - We start from the ground floor with this literary technique.
How to Use It - This takes baby steps through the entire use of the process.
Classics - Explain the meaning of each well-known antonomasia.
Vs. Epithet - Differentiate between the closely related concepts.
Everyday Usage - For the next 24 hours, see if you can notice any examples of antonomasia. Listen to the people around you talking, to television shows or movies, song lyrics or the radio.
Make It Cool - We give you some everyday objects we would like you to apply this technique to.
Picture That - See if you can make these pictures seem more vibrant.