Did You Read... - Quickly evaluate some well known works to identify this character within them. A good idea to do this as a class because some kids may not have read some of the works. It makes for a great discussion.
Who Is It? - Identify whether each description applies to the protagonist (P), the antagonist (A), or the deuteragonist (D).
Sentence Clean Up - How would you bets complete all of these sentences?
Antagonist - Where do these concept overlap and spread apart?
Introduction - This is a good worksheet to use when you are just starting with the concept.
Solid Organizer - What are some words that are related to this concept?
Explain It - What is the function of this particular character in a work of fiction?
Navigating - It can sometimes be difficult to determine which single character is of secondary importance in a story, so the identification of the deuteragonist can be somewhat subjective.
Function - The interactions between the two main characters contribute to character development, development of the theme, and/or advance the plot.
My Favs - Think about some books or movies that you have enjoyed. Write down the title of the story and identify the deuteragonist in each one.
Contributions - We look at the reason for being second best.
True or False - There are some real general thought questions here.
Composition - Will they work with, against, or be neutral in relation to your protagonist?
The Foil - In literature, a foil is a character that can be contrasted to the protagonist. A foil can be very similar to the protagonist or very different.
Brief Concept - This is a sheet that you can use to lead a discussion about how to determine who this individual is in a written work.