In Action - The repetition is both rhythmic and serves to emphasize what is being repeated.
Where Is It? - Underline the use of this technique in each set of sentences.
Put It Apart - Write the words/phrases in the box beside each passage.
Overall Effect - Read the poem "The Rebel" by D.J. Enright. Write down each example of epistrophe in the poem.
Anaphora - Differentiate between these closely related concepts.
Composition - Write several sentences that use epistrophe.
President's Words - Read the excerpt below from a speech given by John F. Kennedy.
Barak Obama - See how he uses this technique in his speech to the American people.
My Text - You will see how this technique seems to work in most texts you come across.
Song - We will explore how this is used in music from most eras.
Speeches - Imagine you are going to give a speech to your classmates. The purpose of the speech is to persuade them to join you in doing something you feel passionate about. Write down what you might say.
Caeser - We will look at how William Shakespeare used this strategy in his work.
Off Pictures - Using each picture as inspiration, write a few lines that contain epistrophe in the box beside each picture.
Why - Which look for the instances where it makes perfect sense to use this technique.
Emphasis - Write a persuasive paragraph about something that you feel strongly about. Use this rhetorical device in your paragraph to add a level of emphasis.