The Prep Sheet - You get get this together in minutes.
Kickoff Topics - This can be used to practice. Teachers can assign the topics or volunteers can get their choice.
Topics to Get Us Started - Choose from one of the topics below. Decide on three main points you want to make for your topic. Be prepared to speak on your topic.
How to Do It - This will get you in the thought process that is required to be successful with these.
Creating a Speech - You will need to focus on three solid arguments that you can make.
Fun Topics to Get Us Going - Great for practice and breakout sessions with students.
The Steps - You are walked through what you need to do to get this done.
Main Thoughts - You can successfully give an impromptu speech if you take a few minutes, first, to think about what you are going to say.
Make it Great! - This can help you organize your thoughts and present them well.
Think It, Then Say It - Use the space inside the head to make brief notes to plan your approach of these thoughts.
A Place to Start - This helps you plan where to start.
Eyecatcher and My Points - The most important things that you need to ponder before getting up there.
Modern Topics - Great things to help you practice. The more practice you get, the easier it is.
Prepping an Outline - This is the bare minimum you should do, even if it in your head and not written down.
My Clear Thoughts - Imagine that your school is hosting visitors from a foreign country. Your principal has asked each student to be prepared to speak for about a minute, if called upon, about your school.