Feed the Blank - You have a whole bunch to choose from including: is, am, are, has, have, had, was, were, and will.
Give a Verb a Hand! - You will need to make each of these sentences clear and calm. A helping verb works with the main verb to show when the action or state of being occurs (in the past, present or future). Rewrite each sentence and add a helping verb to change the meaning of the sentences.
Worker Verbs - They do the true heavy lifting. See if the verb is used properly here for each and every sentence.
Which is Correct? - A flurry of sentence fillers here for your practice. Read the completed sentence to yourself to make sure it flows well.
Verbs Help Verbs - These sentences make no sense at all, fix'em up. Does the sentence make sense.
Fill That Blank - A simple drop them in activity. Those sentences need a bit of time to get right.
Correct or Write More - Read each sentence. If the helping verb used is correct, write correct on the line.
Main Verbs - Complete each sentence by writing a helping verb on the line. You are trying to elevate that main verb each time.
Present, Past, or Future? - Rewrite each sentence using a helping verb to show that the action takes place in the past, present or future, as indicated in parenthesis.
Sentence Me! - This is a two part activity practice sheet. A nice way to conclude this section for students.
Auxiliary Verbs - Those are the action words that act like Swiss Army knives. You can go all Swiss Army here.
Using Helping Verbs Correctly - A little sentence creation for you to work through. This is a powerful way to learn to use these words in your own writing.
Plop, Plop - Fizz, fizz! Oh what a sentence it is! Another version of the previous topic for you. You will think up your own words here. We provide some examples for you.
5 Sentences - Write original sentences using the helping words provided. There are five of them. Make note of the tense that is being used and reflect that in your work.
Rewrites - Rewrite each sentence three times, changing the helping verb to change the meaning of the sentence.