Sentence Expander Worksheet 1 - We give you a simple sentence. You need to write a new sentence with adder words. This will form a whole new meaning for you.
Worksheet 2 - Be careful with what you pick at the top of this worksheet. Use the color and size that you chose to expand all of the sentences below. Write the expanded sentences below each sentence.
Sentence Creator Worksheet 1 - We build off of the skills we learned in the previous worksheets. Create a sentence using the words and number that you chose.
Worksheet 2 - You are given word choices to work with here. Choose an object, size word, and action word. Write a sentence that includes these words. Circle the object, size word, and action word in the sentence.
Buzzing Bee Sentences - There are three words floating around the bee. Write a complete sentence that uses all of the words. "The bee buzzed by me," could be your first sentence.
4 Times Sentence Expander - You need to be very creative here. Expand your sentences inside the apple by adding new words each time. For instance, my first sentence may be: I like apples. My second may be: I like sweet apples.
Build a Sentence - Remember to use all of the words that you are given. Write words around the image, as they are above, and then write your sentence in the box.
Nouns and Verbs Give Us Ideas - Choose one of each part of speech to complete this grammar activity.
Fishy Sentences - Create complete sentences using words from the word bank. Create complete sentences using words from the word bank. The first one has been done for you.
Adding Details - Stretch each sentence below by answering the question asked and adding details.
Make Up A Sentence - For each line below, write a complete sentence using the words provided as well as at least three of your own words. You can choose any words you would like to expand the sentence.
Sentence Mixer - Our sentences are so mixed up! Can you help us unscramble them?
Cut and Write - Cut out and order the sentences below in order from least detail to the most detail.
Missing Word Completes the Sentence - Rewrite each sentence, adding in the word from the word bank that makes the most sense.
Word Wall Sentence - Using the words around each picture, create a complete sentence.
Mixed Up Words! - All of the sentences are mixed up! Can you help us to put the words in each sentence in the correct order?
Stretch a Sentence - Add to your sentence by answering each question that is given.
Stretch a Sentence 2 - Stretch each sentence below by answering the question asked and adding details.
Meeting Nouns and Verbs - Write a sentence on each line using a word from the noun list and a word from the verb list.