Fiction - We give you a description and ask you to determine the part of the story this is from.
Do You Know Your Literary Terms? - Twelve unique and polarizing terms for you.
Literary Term Quick Reference Sheet - We recommend that every student have a copy of this available to them as soon as you start this unit.
Using Literary Terms - See how these terms relate to stories that you have read. As you read the assignment, find an example of each of the literary terms below. Write the example in the box.
Know Your Terms - More work on those crazy terms. A sentence will describe them, tell us which one it describes best.
Literary Jargon - Read each definition. Fill in the correct literary term. Think to yourself of a work that you may have seen this used in.
Literary Terms Definitions - Match each literary term on the left to its definition on the right.
Literary Terms in Fiction - We have you explore all of these: Exposition, Antagonist, Conflict, Flashback, Genre, Situational Irony, Point of View, Setting, Soliloquy, Stereotype, Symbol/Symbolism, Tone .
Let's Talk Poetry - These are all commonly used techniques that relate to writing poetry.
Used in Fiction - In the box below each description, briefly demonstrate your understanding of the term by giving an example of it from the reading.
Match Up - Everyone likes a good matching activity. You can carry this a number of different ways.
Using Literary Terms to Talk About Poetry - The following literary terms are commonly used to describe the structure of poetry.
Literary Terms: Poetry - This makes for a great culminating quiz.
Line Up - Fill in the correct literary term for each aspect of poetry being described.
Using Devices - Write the correct literary term to describe each device, and the example of the device in one box.