Can You Find the Personified Sentences? - We breakdown sentences to see what sense we can make of them.
Making Sentences Personified - You need to run some sentence rewrites here. The first one has been done for you as an example. Multiple answers are possible. Feel free to change or add words, but try to keep the sentence's original meaning.
Personification: Group Activity - You will need a few partners for this one. Write two objects on the first two lines. Have your partner write down 3 human traits that might describe the objects you wrote down.
Fill-in-the-Blank Personification - There is a huge hole in some of these sentences. Let's make it work.
Waking up on the Farm - You'll need a red pen for this. You will need to provide an explanation at times here.
Creative Uses of Personification - Using the given object and verb, create a sentence that uses personification.
Matching It with Meaning - Write the letter of the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.
Identifying Personification - Where do you see it used in the sentences and where do you not?
Make Your Own Story - Using the objects or animals in the first box and the human qualities (traits and actions) in the second box, create a short story with at least 5 sentences.
Personification Checklist - Put an "X" next to each sentence that uses this device. Which one jumps to life for you and which do not?
Explaining Personification - Find a famous literary passage that uses several examples of this technique or combine several quotes from a book .
Personified Nature - Underline the object or thing being personified. Explain what it means and how to adapt this technique to your own writing.
Personification Biographies - Using the objects given, write a small 3-4-sentence biography for each object as if it was human.
Objects with Personalities! - Under each sentence, write what is being personified and what human trait the object is given or what human action the object is doing.
Write & Personify - Write a short 5-sentence story about an animal. Describe and write about what the animal normally does and how it normally acts.
Personification In Context - What situation does it fulfill? What do you do with it from here? This really helps you become a better writer and connect with your readers.