You Are Unique! - Answer the questions below as a way to start thinking about all the ways that you are one-of-a-kind !
Your Personal Symbol - Draw a symbol that you feel best represents your personality, something you feel communicates YOU to others, even before they get to know you.
How Many Stars? - Your self esteem is the way you feel about yourself. It has to do with whether or not you accept and like yourself, and how confident you generally feel. Your self esteem can change from day to day, depending on what is going on in your life. Your self esteem can also be affected by the expectations we have for ourselves.
Carry It Over - Did thinking about the things you do well change your opinion of yourself? Explain.
Accomplishing Goals - Setting and achieving personal goals is a great way to gain self esteem. Write down a personal goal that you have.
What Are You Proud Of? - Feeling pride means feeling good about something that you have done. Because pride can be taken too far, becoming arrogance, some people think that pride is not a good thing.
Valuing Yourself - List three things that you have done lately that you are proud of.
Making Decisions - The decisions that you make say a lot about you because they reflect your values. When you were very young, adults helped your make most of your decisions. The older you get, the more decisions you make for yourself.
Got Time? - Choose one of the writing prompts below. Write a paragraph to answer the prompt. Use the back of this page if you need more room.
Who Am I? - Which phrase best describes your personality? Write a paragraph to explain your answer.
What Is Your Mission? - A personal mission statement is a sentence that describes what you want to achieve in the world. A mission statement is usually expressed in a specific, measurable way.
I Enjoy... - Think about what you want to accomplish, what you do well and enjoy doing, and what is most important to you. Try writing a mission statement below.
Thinking About Comparisons - Two creative people that you admire. What does each person do? Why do you admire them? How are they different from each other?
I Compared To - What kind of self-talk will you use the next time someone compares you to someone else?
Approval Worksheet - Do you need the approval of other people to feel good about yourself? Why? Complete the table.
Stepping Stones to Self Confidence - Think of a time when you felt very confident, satisfied, and good about yourself.
You Got This! - Based on the first experience you described, in which you experienced confidence, how do you think you should handle the situation the next time you are starting to lose your confidence?
I Am... - Complete the "I am" statements below to describe yourself. Include things you do, things you like/dislike, groups you belong to, etc.
I Have Many Strengths! - Everyone has many strengths. Personal strengths differ from person to person. The strengths below are sorted into different categories. Circle the strengths that apply to you.