Ethan's Clubhouse - Read the story aloud. Ask the students to draw a picture to go with the story.
The Puppy - Bring that pup to life. You follow the same procedure and use your imagination to draw a scene that is fitting based on the story.
Don't be too out there with it. - You will reach the story "The Show-off" and take your time to draw the story that you are feeling here.
The Skateboard - Here is how the story starts off: Ronald wanted a skateboard. He wanted a skateboard more than anything in the whole world. Ronald saved all the money he earned from doing his chores. Can you imagine this? Let us see your thoughts in a drawing form.
No Pets! - Mary was not allowed to have any pets because her father was allergic to them. Because of her father's allergy, she had never even been in a pet store.
Harry the Robot - Harry loved robots. He loved robots so much that he didn’t just want to have a robot. He wanted to BE a robot. He pretended to be a robot a lot.
Three Strikes - Betty was not good at sports. She wasn't very interested in them, and she didn't know much about them. So when her best friend Kathy decided to have a bowling birthday party, Betty was surprised, and a little worried.
Too Much Yelling - Once there was a teacher who yelled all the time. He yelled instructions to his students. He yelled when someone made a mistake. He yelled when someone did well. He yelled when it was time to go out to recess.
George's Secret Plan - Millie the tiny mouse was about the size of a bumblebee. Millie lived with her family inside the wall of a really big house way out in the country. Millie loved to explore, and since she was so tiny, it was easy for her to get around the country house without anyone seeing her.
Tightrope - Lionel was a lion in the circus. He loved his trainer, and he did all the tricks his trainer asked him to do without complaining, but his heart wasn’t in it. Lionel’s real dream was to be a tightrope walker.
Sarah's Surprise - Sarah was the busiest squirrel in the neighborhood. She collected nuts from the ground. She collected apples and apricots from the trees. She even picked up sandwich crusts and other bits of food that were dropped by children.
The Snowman - Once upon a time, three young wizards were playing outside in the snow. They were building a snowman. One of them rolled the ball for the bottom.
George is Tired - George had trouble staying awake. No matter how well or how long he slept, he yawned over breakfast. He yawned in class. He yawned at recess. He yawned over his homework, during his free time, and even in bed.
The Cats - Mrs. Johnson loved her cat Prissy. She never let Prissy out of her sight. She dressed Prissy in fancy dresses and took her everywhere she went. When it was time for Prissy to eat, Mrs. Johnson tied a bib around Prissy's neck and slipped her into a high chair.
Pete the Panda - Pete was an unusual panda. All of the other pandas ate bamboo, but Pete would only eat peanut butter. Word got around, and soon many people visited the zoo every day, just to watch Pete the panda eat a peanut butter sandwich.