It's a Pizza Party! - These kids are making their own pizzas. Help them out by replacing the subject with the correct pronoun.
Underline It! - See if you can describe the focus of the sentence with a pronoun. You will have three to choose from.
Circle It! - See if you can find the right pronoun in there. There may be more than one!
Cell Phone Spelling! - These are always loads of fun for kids. There are 7 types of subject pronouns. List them below. The first one is done for you. Then, use the cell phone below to spell the pronoun in numbers, using the cell phone keypad.
Use Your Imagination! - If you are not creative, you might not like this one. You will rewrite the sentence with nouns. You can make them up!
Pet Care - Replace the subject in the sentence with the correct pronoun. You have a scoreboard of words to choose from.
Baking Cookies - Replace the subject of the sentence (bold) with the correct pronoun.
Create a Word Search! - A free range activity that everyone loves. The pronouns you wrote are now your word search list! Write the pronouns in the grid. You can write them forward, diagonally, or even backwards! Then, fill in all of the empty spaces with random letters. Give your word search to a friend and see if they can find the words you hid!
Gym Class - Cross out the subject of the sentence (in bold) and change it to the correct pronoun.
Pretty as a Picture - Look at the picture. Write the correct subject pronoun for each one.
Fix My Grammar! - Cross out the incorrect pronoun (in bold) and write the correct one in the space.
What's Your Favorite Color? - Underline the correct pronoun in your favorite color! There is a diverse selection of sentences.
I, he, she, we, it, they, you - Replace the subject (in parentheses) with the correct pronoun.
Line Them Up! - Draw lines to match the correct subject pronoun to the picture.
Happy Birthday! - There are different kinds of pronouns in the sentences below.
Peaking Sentences - Complete each sentence with the appropriate pronoun. Use the words in italics that precede each sentence as clues.
Using Them - Which one best completes each sentence?
Subjective or Objective? - Label the way in which everything appears in this sentence.
Pick Them Out - Dissect all of the sentences to your best ability.
Sentence Writing - Determine how to best use them in a sentence.
Corresponding Placement - You will be given an objective form and asked to flip it and use it in a sentence.
One Word - Which word will finish them off for you?
Fix the Mess - Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined noun with a subjective pronoun.
Topic Review - This covers all the skills that we explored here.
Which Column? - You will classify the grammar of a word.
Parentheses Popers - You will reclassify full sentences here.
Change Form - Use the thoughts that are presented to you and decide how you explain it to a friend.
Choose the Correct One - This is putting the skill right to work for yourself.
Person or Thing - You are about to say a little about a lot.
Match Them Up - Match the nouns/description on the left with their corresponding subjective pronouns.